Join GigAssembly and let the clients find you

Via our digital meeting place, you can create your profile and make yourself visible to clients within our extensive network. It’s easy to register, and completely free of charge.

GigAssembly is the HR group Novare’s digital venture. A group with broad expertise in HR and an established position in the recruitment industry. We thus have a wide network of business clients who are looking for consultants for temporary gig assignments.

As a consultant don’t have to pay anything to join GigAssembly’s platform. It is your future clients who pay a fixed finder’s fee if they decide to hire you after finding your profile via our platform. This means that it’s up to you and the client to set the terms for the collaboration, without any involvement by GigAssembly, and the invoicing will be made by you directly to the client.

No job ads to keep track of, no competitive bidding process. The only thing you need to do is make sure to keep your profile and availability calendar up to date.

Create your profile and make it visible to our network, for free.

It's easy to get started with our automatic CV integration tool.

You do the job, you get paid for the job. We don't take any cuts.

Instead of chasing new gigs, let the clients find you via our platform.


looking for new gigs?

Frequently asked questions

Unlike many other gig-platforms, GigAssembly is a digital meeting place and nothing more. Through our platform, freelance consultants can create their profile and make themselves visible to potential clients within Novare’s extensive network, and it is the companies that use the platform to search for qualified consultants. No job advertisements from the companies, no competing bids from the consultants, only an advanced and user-friendly digital tool that connects companies with professional and quality-assured consultants. When a consultant is hired, the company pays a fixed finder’s fee to GigAssembly who provided the search tool. After that, it is up to the company and the consultant to set the terms of agreement themselves, without any involvement by GigAssembly
All professional freelancers, giggers and interim consultants can join GigAssembly. It doesn’t matter what you identify as, as long as you offer your services for time-limited gig assignments, and that you are charging for your services on your own. Either through your own company, or via an external self-employment company that offers invoicing services. To begin with, GigAssembly will primarily focus on competence within HR, finance, marketing, administration and sales, but the plan is to continue expand the network in other industries over time.
All consultants who register their profile in GigAssembly’s platform must verify themselves with a personal BankID. That is how we can ensure that no fake accounts are presented in the platform. If you for any reason don’t have access to a Swedish BankID, we perform a manual identity check. On top of that, we perform a background check to confirm education and certificates before publishing your profile in the platform. The background check is executed by our collaboration partner Valida.
No, it’s for free to register your profile, and you as a consultant don’t have to pay anything even if you get hired for a gig assignment. It is the companies that pay us a small fee to get access to your direct contact details, and if they decide to hire you for a gig, they will pay a fixed finder’s fee to GigAssembly who provided the search tool.
No, you can join GigAssembly even if you don’t have your own company, but you are responsible for invoicing for your services on your own. If you don’t have your own company you can contact an external self-employment firm that offers invoicing services. Be aware though that you need to inform your client whether you are invoicing via your own company or an external self-employment firm before you start the work assignment.
You are responsible for invoicing for your services according to the terms of agreement between you and your client, either via your own company or an external self-employment company that offers invoicing services.
GigAssembly is only for serious and professional consultants. By having everyone register with a personal BankID, we can ensure that all profiles presented in the platform are who they claim to be, and that no fake accounts can be created.
No problem, it is easy to get a personal BankID. For further instructions, please follow this link: If you for some reason are unable to get a Swedish BankID, it is possible to create a GigAssembly account without BankID. A team member from GIgAssembly will contact you to verify your identity before your account will be approved.
Yes, you can delete your profile at any time. All personal information about you will be erased or anonymized, with the exception of such information that we are required by law to retain. Read more about GigAssembly’s general terms and conditions for giggers.